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Nowadays, a double door fridge is a common one in every family. Because of more than four members of the family, they need to have some space to store the food for them. More than four members of the family want to use some extra vegetables and fruits compared to the below four members' families. For this purpose double door fridges are specially designed for them. There is a separate space for the freezers and the vegetables too. So people can store more vegetables and fruits in their double door fridge. For this reason, you need to purchase the LG Double Door Fridge In Madurai.
Compared to the single door fridge you can get more space to store the vegetables in your double door fridge. In a single door, the fridge doesn’t have a frost-free function so we want to press the defrost button manually. The size of a direct cool fridge can vary from 50-liters to 270-liters. And they are priced the lowest among all fridge types, because they have few extra options and are also among the most basic models, making them an affordable solution. To purchase the LG Double Door Fridge In Madurai, then go for Shri Meenakshi Fan House.
For more details, You may contact this number : 0452 - 438 0008 and please visit our website - www.shrimeenakshifanhouse.com
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